About Us
Our Mission
To serve as a community organization that advocates and promotes Streeterville for all who live in, work in, and enjoy the neighborhood.
Our Vision
To see Streeterville as a multi-dimensional, thriving, urban neighborhood.
History of SOAR
SOAR was incorporated on May 28, 1975. Throughout our history, the organization has been a strong voice for conserving the historic character of the area and for development that enables divergent interests to live in harmony.
Our Goals
1. Increase community engagement and awareness of SOAR
2. Promote a safe neighborhood
3. Advocate for efficient multi-modal traffic flow
4. Encourage sustainable community practices
5. Support responsible development of the built environment
6. Increase philanthropic efforts
Get Involved!
Build and celebrate community with SOAR!
SOAR members can be truly active Streeterville residents by taking part in task forces, committees, clubs, and other volunteer opportunities. What are your talents and expertise? There are ways to get involved in SOAR where you can use your skills to better our community and advocate for what you care about.