2025 Events

The list below shows all the events that we currently have planned. Click on the Events highlighted in blue for additional event information. We update this page and also include more information in the SOAR Spotlight and on our social media pages Facebook and Instagram.

When you join SOAR you will automatically be invited to attend and participate in any of our task force meetings, SOAR Socials, SOAR Farmers Market
and many more activities that we plan throughout the year.


Thursday, March 20
Young Professionals Monthly Mingle
6-8 pm
Offshore Rooftop, Navy Pier
1000 E Grand

Thursday, March 20
CAPS Meetings
Beat 1833 (North of Superior) – 5 pm
Beat 1834 (South of Superior) – 6 pm
303 E Superior

Wednesday, March 26
SOAR Town Hall
Register to attend virtually here.
Check-in: 5:30 pm
Event: 6 pm
303 E Superior


Thursday, April 17
Young Professionals Monthly Mingle
6-8 pm
Offshore Rooftop, Navy Pier
1000 E Grand
April Theme: Trivia Night

Check out our photo gallery for photos from past events!