Land Use
- Assist SOAR President in work on the Future of Chicago Committee
- Gather & review of Streeterville 10 Year Plan (2005, 2015 Target Completion in 2025)
- Review and monitor new development projects and potential developments on monthly basis such as
- 400 LSD
- Tribune Tower
- Tribune East Tower
- Northwestern University vacant sites
- Outdoor cafés
- Urban Kayak’s plans;
- Vacant Lots; etc
Traffic & Transportation
- Connect with CDOT (Mollie Samadi) & Aldermen (2nd & 42nd Ward) regarding loading study status and funding
- Rail to Trails idea for Carroll Avenue Transit-Way-Review status
- Emphasize river transportation, water taxi stop at end of Ogden Slip at McClurg and other opportunities
- Review Divvy locations and advise Aldermen
- Consideration of speed bumps on McClurg south of Illinois
- Campus Task Force meetings to annually review TMP
Planning Projects
- Revitalize connections with Chicago Department of Planning
- Review of CDP webinar for Planned Development Projects
- Review of community engagement guidelines from webinar & adapt for SOAR
- Redefine the Drive: Presentation to Task Force & Board
- Monitor Navy Pier Projects – new harbor, hotel opening, etc
Parks Development: Policy & Development
- Ogden Plaza Review: Status from Alderman – then Planning
- Liaison with PACS
- DuSable Park
- Lakeshore Park
- Jane Addams Park
- Seneca Park
- Assessment of open space needs for residents, children & dogs
Assessment & review of possible industrial building historic district
Streeterville Clean Up Events
- Spring & Fall
- North & South Partnerships
For More Information

This video was presented at the SOAR July 2021 Land Use and Development Task Force Meeting. This video was presented by Majed Abdulsamad, an Architect and Urban Designer currently working in the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), part of the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Safety in New York. Majed’s brother is Malek Abdulsamad, a member of the SOAR Board of Directors.
This video will take you on a tour of several other cities around the world who are creatively activating their streets. Following the video, Task Force Members discuss ideas about how to activate streets in Streeterville.